Sunday, July 18, 2021 intro Introduction

Welcome to, here I will be reviewing gear, firearms, tactical equipment, militaria etc...

  I might end up doing a few reviews outside of that spectrum however that will not be the norm. To tell you a little bit about myself without actually telling you who I am I will explain my experiences that have put me in the position I am now. I am approximately 30 years old living in central Florida. I am a former 35F Army Intelligence Analyst. I worked primarily in (REDACTED) Division Headquarters, as part of a team of specialized Intelligence personnel operating in Syria and Jordan with some smaller involvement throughout the Levant in whole. I was awarded by the Secretary of Defense for my work with the Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and my involvement in the Dismantlement of Syria's Chemical Biological Weapons (CBW) Program. I've also spent time tracking Syria's Surface to Surface Missile (SSM) program as well as targeting High Value Targets (HVT) throughout the Levant and working personally with (Redacted) Division level leadership in training troops in covert Intelligence operations. 

  I'm going to keep these reviews very loose in composition and upfront in judgement, to avoid writing what reads as a Technical Manual. No you will not see my face or learn my identity in the course of these reviews. No I will not push any item as being "EXCEPTIONAL" if it is not. I will in some cases be taking Items from businesses and individuals free of charge in order to review them. I will always, inform the reader when this is the case and I will never change my actual assessment of the product because it has been received free of charge. Also, I will never take monetary payment for a review or its outcome. If I offend anyone in my review you should realize for all intents and purposes "the Rat Bastard" is an exaggerated version of myself based on a few "off" remarks made by an old Battalion Sergeant Major whos interpretation of myself was a constant comically exaggerated interaction based off the last, each growing in what seemed like impossible coincidence.

 This resulted in him following my name and rank with "that rat fucking bastard"...

Don't spend your money on shit gear the "TACTICOOL" YouTube operators with no real world experience tell you that you need. without checking the internet for honest reviews. If I can help just a handful of people in doing these then I feel like its a job well done. Please realize that is my only intent, and I will do it critically.

-Rat Bastard